

And it starts with thoughtful planning. 


We’ve got a great Symbis roadmap!


Preparing for life-long love just got easier!

Your relationship just got easier.

Grounded in research and infused with practical Symbis applications, this program guarantees new insights and a more solid foundation. 

Your Money Methods

Kick financial friction to the curb and ensure you realize your shared dreams together.

Your Fight Types

Discover your “hot topics” and the secret of leveraging conflict for a stronger relationship.

Your Love & Sex Life

Cultivate deeper intimacy and enduring passion for a lifetime of pleasure and fulfillment.

Your Personalities

Unpack your unique personality dynamics not only as individuals but more importantly as a couple.

Your Talk Styles

Crack the code for deep and meaningful conversations to enjoy heartfelt and lasting connections.

Your Deepest Longing

Create your ultimate soul-to-soul connection and discover how to infuse your relationship with meaning through Symbis.

Welcome to your greatest adventure. 

We’ve got your personalized Symbis roadmap.

Creating a strong and passionate marriage is one of the most important things you’ll ever do.

    • A proven process that flexes to your needs
    • Valid and reliable results backed by decades of Symbis research
    • Engaging exercises and numerous conversation starters
    • Applicability for engaged couples, newly weds, or for couples wanting a tune up
    • A snapshot summary of your trajectory as a couple

    Engaged Couples, Newlyweds or Marriage Tune-ups.

      Engagement Story: Check!

      Amazing Wedding: Check!

      A Plan for a Strong Marriage: Well….

      (That’s where we come in!)

      A Unique Approach

        So What is the Process?

        The first session happens as a couple, together with a certified marriage coach or therapist. After the initual appointment, you’ll meet again to discuss the results and receive a 15 page data driven Symbis breakdown of your relationship strengths and concrete recommendations to strengthen your relationship.

        What Will be the Outcome?

        Easy answers: over 20 customized tools and tips specifically taylored to strengthen your unique relationship through 3-5 sessions of coaching or counsesling.

        Is this for Married or Engaged Couples?

        If your relationship is getting serious, it’s never too soon to begin the process of exploring your potential future together. And married couples at various stages find the results of their sessions to be extremely helpful.

        Is This Just Feel Good Fluff?

        Every aspect of every session and assessment is grounded in multiple studies to ensure that the tool and results are reliable, valid, and valuable. Your relationship (and family) will thank you for investing in this program!


        Get In Touch

        Consent to Receive More Information






        Mon – Fri: 10am – 9pm
        Weekends: 10am – 3m
